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© 2021 Tour Guides Australia Association Incorporated.
Registered Association – Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 A0026482X
ASIC Australian Registered Body Number, (ARBN) 648 316 438, ABN 54 044 264 602


  • 18 Sep 2023
  • 8:30 AM
  • 20 Sep 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • Veriu Green Square18 O'Riordan Street, Alexandria, NSW

Are you new to the tourism industry?

Do you aspire to be a tour guide - one of the most rewarding and enriching careers in the visitor economy?

Would you like to be job-ready for employment?

Tour Guides Australia is offering a short course designed to provide foundation skills for people interested in a tour guide career.

Participants can expect to gain basic knowledge, skills and understandings across six themes that Tour Guides Australia recognises as minimum industry standards for entry-level professional tour guides:

  1. Cultural and social awareness
  2. Customer service
  3. Occupational health and safety
  4. Safety and legislation
  5. Storytelling
  6. Organising a tour

The 3-day course will run on consecutive days 


Course fee includes a complimentary Tour Guides Australia Associate Membership for the current year, valued at $50.00. This membership connects you with our peak industry association and provides opportunities for networking, jobs and further professional development.

Cost      $ 595 

Venue   Veriu Green Square18 O'Riordan Street, Alexandria, NSW

Dates     Monday 18 September  - Wednesday 20 September  2023